Tony Burton (born March 23, 1937)

Burton was a Michigan Golden Gloves heavyweight boxing champion and two-time all-state football player. Tony was also a star pitcher leading his high school to the City Championship.
Watch Tony Burton interview here..
Notable Film Roles
Hack! (2007).... Sheriff StokerRocky Balboa (2006)... Duke
Exorcism (2003)... Bishop Harris
Flipping (1997)... Chuckie, 2-2 Card Club Manager
Private Obsession (1995)... Sergeant Jim Lytel
Absent Without Leave (1992)... Constable
Rocky V (1990)... Duke
Shining... Larry Durkin
Rocky IV (1985)... Duke
Tony Burton's Appearances In Best-Sports-Movies
Rocky (1976)... DukeThe Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings (1976)... Issac
Rocky II (1979)... Duke
Rocky III (1982)... Duke
Rocky IV (1985)... Duke
Rocky V (1990)... Duke
Rocky Balboa (2006)... Duke
Tony Burton Interview
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